Genesis 1 & 2a
- 2. What did God see after He created everything?
- 3. Which creatures did God create on the fifth day to fill the waters?
- 6. The LORD God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of ________?
- 9. To make woman, the LORD God took one of Adam's ________?
- 10. For this reason, a man shall leave his father and his ________?
- 12. On the sixth day, God made beasts, cattle, and what kind of things?
- 13. After creating the fowls, God said, “Be ________.”?
- 16. What did God place in the firmament to divide the day from the night?
- 17. What did God bless the seventh day and do to it?
- 20. The lights in the firmament of the heaven give light upon the ________?
- 1. What did Adam say the woman shall be called, because she was taken out of Man?
- 4. The gathering together of the waters, God called the ________?
- 5. Which day was man created?
- 7. On the first day, God created the ________?
- 8. God created man in His own ________?
- 11. On the third day, God called the dry land ________?
- 14. What kind of trees did God say should bring forth fruit on the third day?
- 15. Birds were created to fly above the earth in the open ________?
- 18. The lesser light was made to rule the ________?
- 19. The LORD God formed man out of the ________ of the ground?