Genesis 1 & 2a

  1. 2. What did God see after He created everything?
  2. 3. Which creatures did God create on the fifth day to fill the waters?
  3. 6. The LORD God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of ________?
  4. 9. To make woman, the LORD God took one of Adam's ________?
  5. 10. For this reason, a man shall leave his father and his ________?
  6. 12. On the sixth day, God made beasts, cattle, and what kind of things?
  7. 13. After creating the fowls, God said, “Be ________.”?
  8. 16. What did God place in the firmament to divide the day from the night?
  9. 17. What did God bless the seventh day and do to it?
  10. 20. The lights in the firmament of the heaven give light upon the ________?
  1. 1. What did Adam say the woman shall be called, because she was taken out of Man?
  2. 4. The gathering together of the waters, God called the ________?
  3. 5. Which day was man created?
  4. 7. On the first day, God created the ________?
  5. 8. God created man in His own ________?
  6. 11. On the third day, God called the dry land ________?
  7. 14. What kind of trees did God say should bring forth fruit on the third day?
  8. 15. Birds were created to fly above the earth in the open ________?
  9. 18. The lesser light was made to rule the ________?
  10. 19. The LORD God formed man out of the ________ of the ground?