
  1. 3. God called the darkness ___
  2. 5. The creatures created to fill the waters on the fifth day
  3. 7. Let Us make man in Our ____
  4. 8. The earth was without ___
  5. 10. And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and ____
  6. 12. The first man created in God's image
  7. 13. Which day did God create winged birds?
  8. 15. What was the body of water gathered below the firmament called?
  9. 16. Which other lights did God create in addition to the two great lights on the fourth day?
  10. 17. Which day did God caused dry land to appear?
  1. 1. Fruit tree that yields fruit according to its ___
  2. 2. The animals created to roam the earth on the sixth day
  3. 4. Created as covering of the earth on the third day
  4. 5. God created this on the second day
  5. 6. Which day was man created?
  6. 9. The greater light God made to rule the day
  7. 11. God created this on the first day
  8. 13. Which day was the two great lights to rule the day and night created?
  9. 14. And God saw that it was ___
  10. 16. The number of days God took to create the world