Genesis 15 kids

  1. 1. The LORD told Abram, I am thy exceeding great _____.
  2. 5. Abram _________ in the LORD and he counted it to him for righteousness.
  3. 6. The LORD told Abram not to ____ when He came to him in a vision.
  4. 7. What Abram was doing when the smoking furnace passed between the pieces
  5. 9. The name of the great river
  6. 12. How many years would Abram's seed be afflicted?
  7. 14. The heifer, she goat, and ram were all to be _____ years old.
  1. 2. Abram's steward
  2. 3. How many animals did God tell Abram to take to him?
  3. 4. what place was Abram's steward of?
  4. 5. Abram did not divide the _____
  5. 7. God said to Abram, I am thy _____.
  6. 8. God gave Abram's seed the land from the river of _____ unto the great river.
  7. 10. God told Abram his seed would be as the _____ in number.
  8. 11. In the _____ generation Abram's seed would come hither again into Canaan.
  9. 13. How many nations did God promise to Abram's seed?