Genesis 20

  1. 8. Abimelech said Abraham was this unto all that were with Sarah.
  2. 10. The LORD had closed up these because of Abraham's wife.
  3. 11. King of Gerar who took Sarah.
  4. 12. Abimelech told Sarah he had given a thousand of these to her brother.
  5. 13. When Abraham _____, God healed Abimelech and his house
  6. 14. The LORD suffered Abimelech not to ____ Sarah.
  7. 15. Abraham called Sarah his ______.
  8. 16. Abraham thought this was not in Abimelech's place.
  9. 18. time of morning Abimelech arose to obey God.
  1. 1. Abimelech asked the LORD if He would also slay a ______ nation?
  2. 2. Abimelech took Sarah in the _______ of his hands.
  3. 3. Abraham dwelled between these two places.
  4. 4. The LORD told Abimelech Abraham is a _____.
  5. 5. the parent Abraham and Sarah shared
  6. 6. God used this to speak to Abimelech.
  7. 7. Abraham sojourned here.
  8. 9. Abimelech's _______ of heart caused God to withhold him from sinning.
  9. 17. What Abimelech would do if he did not restore Abraham's wife to him.