Genesis 23

  1. 6. Ephron wanted to give Abraham this in addition to the cave.
  2. 8. The cave Abraham bought was in _____.
  3. 9. Where Abraham bought the land of Ephron
  4. 12. Machpelah is before ______.
  5. 13. Ephron's father
  6. 14. Abraham wanted to buy this from Ephron.
  7. 15. age Sarah died
  8. 16. Abraham called himself this.
  1. 1. who Abraham spoke to about a buryingplace for Sarah
  2. 2. place Sarah died
  3. 3. How many shekels of silver Abraham paid Ephron
  4. 4. also called Kirjatharba
  5. 5. the sons of Heth called Abraham this.
  6. 7. Abraham called himself a _______
  7. 10. who Abraham wanted to entreat for a place to bury Sarah.
  8. 11. Ephron was a _____.