Genesis 41

  1. 2. a pleasant time without war or trouble
  2. 3. pharaoh's wise counselors
  3. 7. to be wind dried or withered
  4. 8. direction to the desert
  5. 10. old testament word for cattle
  6. 12. king of Egypt
  7. 14. place of imprisonment
  8. 15. sometimes referred to as God's perfect number
  9. 16. one who dreamt of baskets
  10. 17. sometimes it means wheat or grain
  11. 19. to be angry (past tense)
  1. 1. an experience while sleeping
  2. 4. terrible (Vs.31)
  3. 5. to relate the meaning or translate
  4. 6. clothes
  5. 7. personal assistant to pharaoh
  6. 9. "dream master"
  7. 11. a river in Egypt
  8. 13. name given to sons of Heber
  9. 14. to eat completely
  10. 18. to cut away one's beard