Genesis 41 kids

  1. 3. Joseph's father in law was the _ of On.
  2. 4. Joseph was _ years old when he stood before Pharaoh.
  3. 7. Thin ears of corn and the lean cattle showed that a _ was coming.
  4. 8. The seven thin ones _ the seven fat ones in both dreams.
  5. 10. Joseph's younger son
  6. 11. The famine would be so grievous that the years of plenty would be _.
  7. 12. _ countries came to Joseph to buy corn.
  8. 13. The food would be stored in the _.
  9. 15. Joseph told Pharaoh to set a discreet and _ man over Egypt.
  10. 16. The _ and wise men of Egypt could not interpret Pharaoh's dream.
  11. 19. The famine and years of plenty were both _ years long.
  12. 20. How many years did the butler forget Joseph?
  13. 21. Joseph said to take up the _ of the land during the years of plenty.
  1. 1. The chief _ remembered Joseph when no one could interpret Pharaoh's dream.
  2. 2. Joseph's wife
  3. 3. The fat kine and full ears of corn showed that years of _ were coming.
  4. 4. Only in the _ would Pharaoh be greater than Joseph.
  5. 5. All of Pharaoh's people would be ruled by Joseph's _.
  6. 6. God made Joseph fruitful in the land of his _.
  7. 8. Pharaoh's _ troubled his spirit.
  8. 9. The dream was _ because the thing was established by God.
  9. 14. Pharaoh put his _ on Joseph's hand.
  10. 16. Joseph's firstborn
  11. 17. Who would give Pharaoh an answer of peace?
  12. 18. Even after eating the fat ones, the thin ones were still _ favoured.
  13. 20. God made Joseph forget all his _.