Genesis Begins Again

  1. 3. The big neighborhood that they moved into after they got evicted for the 3rd time
  2. 4. The main character of the book and is in the book title
  3. 5. This is where Genesis met her first friend, Sarah, in her new school
  4. 9. The girl who stands up for Genesis in chorus when Terrance makes fun of her
  5. 10. one of Genesis classes where she sings and where one of her favorite teachers is, Mrs.Hill
  6. 12. Where you go to learn. Also where teachers and students are at.
  7. 14. The truck that you usually use to put all of your stuff in when you move to a different house
  8. 15. This is where Genesis and her family had to stay with her dads friend after they got evicted the first time
  9. 16. The girl at Genesis old school. Genesis invited her and her friends over who made fun of her because all of her furniture and everything in the house was in the front lawn
  10. 17. Something that Genesis' new friend, Sarah was bad at when they were trying to get back at the other girls in P.E.
  11. 18. The food that Genesis and her father eats when they are singing, laughing and talking together. Also when he tells Genesis about her uncle.r
  1. 1. Genesis uncle and her father's brother who died at young age from rabies when he got bit by a bat
  2. 2. Holiday The girl that Mrs.Hill, Genesis chorus teacher, say that Genesis is like
  3. 4. Where they went the 3rd time they got evicted and before they bought the brand new big house.
  4. 6. Where Genesis sits after school in her yard, thinking
  5. 7. The thing that Genesis used to try to make her skin look lighter
  6. 8. This is the guy who tutors Genesis for the subject that she struggles with the most, math
  7. 11. Genesis had these in her last school and this school. It’s when you constantly get teased
  8. 13. When you get scared or your face turns red and everyone is staring at you because you are this. Genesis felt this is chorus when she kept singing and everyone else stopped
  9. 15. The back part of your house. It’s a yard in the back of your house outside