Genetic Heredity

  1. 7. If the two alleles of
  2. 9. a recessive trait
  3. 11. information for one trait.
  4. 12. that has
  5. 14. Geneticists call
  6. 15. Distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically
  7. 18. a trait
  8. 21. genetic information that controls traits
  9. 24. a dominant factor is
  10. 25. Is a section on a
  11. 27. A genetic factor that is
  12. 28. of a gene
  1. 1. to offspring.
  2. 2. The two alleles
  3. 3. Chromosomes
  4. 4. by the presence
  5. 5. genotypes and phenotypes of offspring
  6. 6. Punnett Squares is a model used to predict
  7. 7. When the two
  8. 8. Genetics is the study of how traits are passed from
  9. 10. A genetic factor that
  10. 13. belonging to a person.
  11. 14. of a
  12. 16. or is
  13. 17. Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.
  14. 19. The different forms of a
  15. 20. factor is called a dominant
  16. 22. the same
  17. 23. another
  18. 26. control the