Genetic Unit Vocabulary: Part One

  1. 3. / The passing of characteristics or traits from parents to offspring.
  2. 7. / An organism that has the same alleles; always produce offspring with the same trait as the parent.
  3. 10. / An organism that has two different alleles for a trait.
  4. 11. / The study of genetics.
  5. 13. Mendel / The first to recognize that the principal of probability can be used to predict the results of genetics; the father of genetics.
  6. 14. Reproduction / The reproductive process that involves two parents whose genetic material is combined to produce a new organism different from themselves.
  1. 1. / An organism’s genetic makeup, or allele an organism has for a trait.
  2. 2. / The different types or forms of a gene.
  3. 4. Alleles / One whose traits always show up in the organism when the allele is present; they are written in capital letters.
  4. 5. / An organism that has two different alleles for a trait; an organism that is heterozygous for a particular trait.
  5. 6. Reproduction / The reproductive process that involves one parent and produces offspring identical to the parent.
  6. 7. / An organism’s physical appearance, or visible trait.
  7. 8. Alleles / The masked or covered up allele that does not show up when the dominant allele is present; they are written in lowercase letters.
  8. 9. / An organism that have two identical alleles for a trait.
  9. 11. /Segments of DNA that carry hereditary instructions and are passed from parent to offspring.
  10. 12. / A person who has one recessive allele for a trait and one dominant trait.