
  1. 2. two of the same alleles
  2. 3. same as homozygous
  3. 4. Characteristic passed to offspring
  4. 7. Genetic code for a trait
  5. 8. The study of heredity
  6. 10. same as heterozygous
  7. 12. Trait that is always covered up
  8. 13. Father of genetics
  9. 14. genetic make up of an organism
  10. 16. Trait that always show up
  1. 1. Chart that show possible trait combinations
  2. 5. different forms of a gene
  3. 6. two different alleles
  4. 8. all of the DNA in one cell
  5. 9. making an exact copy
  6. 11. Passing of traits from parents to offspring
  7. 15. physical look of a trait