
  1. 4. The likelihood of a specific outcome in relation to the total number of possible outcomes.
  2. 5. The genes an organism has, or its genetic constitution.
  3. 7. A special kind of cell division that produces haploid cells.
  4. 9. cell, which becomes the offspring.
  5. 11. Square Illustrates how the parents' alleles might combine in offspring.
  6. 14. When a sperm and egg combine to form one new cell.
  7. 15. The actual characteristics an organism has.
  8. 16. The passing of genes from parents to offspring.
  9. 17. A unit of heredity that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and codes for a particular product.
  1. 1. Compares or shows the relationship between two quantities
  2. 2. Cells that contain half the usual number of chromosomes—one chromosome from each pair.
  3. 3. The various forms of the same gene.
  4. 6. A ratio that compares a number to 100.
  5. 8. Reproduction The process in which a cell containing genetic information from the mother and
  6. 10. The allele that is expressed in the phenotype when two copies of it are present on the homologs.
  7. 12. The allele that is expressed in the phenotype even if it is the only copy present in the genotype.
  8. 13. A gamete that forms in the reproductive organs of a male.
  9. 18. A gamete that forms in the reproductive organs of a female.