
  1. 3. who we get our genes from
  2. 5. appearance of the organism
  3. 9. units of heredity
  4. 12. passed form parent to offspring in genes
  5. 13. various forms of the same gene
  6. 14. when the genes of the pair are different
  7. 16. the genes that make up an organism
  1. 1. what Mendel used to study genetics
  2. 2. two genes that control the same characteristic
  3. 4. genes expressed only with two copies
  4. 6. when both genes are the same
  5. 7. number of chromosome pairs in humans
  6. 8. where chromosomes are found
  7. 10. where genes are found
  8. 11. gene that is expressed when only one is present
  9. 12. shape of the DNA molecule
  10. 15. father of modern genetics