
  1. 5. An organism can regrow body parts
  2. 6. Genetic code inside cells
  3. 8. Packaged into chromosomes/genes
  4. 12. Parent cell splits making 2 identicalcopies
  5. 15. Cell with a nucleus
  1. 1. Cell with no nucleus
  2. 2. Characteristics pass from parent to offspring
  3. 3. Part of chromosome responsible for traits
  4. 4. What an organism learns after birth
  5. 7. Structures made up of genes inside the nucleus
  6. 9. An organism grows a bulge that breaks off parent
  7. 10. Trait seen by organism
  8. 11. Expressed by genes or influenced by the environment
  9. 13. Type of reproduction with one parent
  10. 14. Type of reproduction with two parents