
  1. 3. genes with incremental effect are said to be ____
  2. 5. chromosome without centromere
  3. 6. genes more responsible for polygenic trait
  4. 8. amount of viable gametes that result from inversions
  5. 11. short arm of chromosome
  6. 12. genes on same chromosome
  7. 14. describes how genetic drift happens
  8. 15. type of translocation where entire q arm is moved
  9. 16. population with new individual from another population
  10. 17. when recessive allele is expressed after alteration
  11. 18. group of interbreeding individuals
  1. 1. inversion that occurs next to the centromere
  2. 2. traits shared by family members for any reason are said to be ______
  3. 4. chromatin with dense regions
  4. 7. chromosomes derived from multiple species
  5. 9. effect where small population branches off a larger one
  6. 10. gamete with an extra chromosome
  7. 13. traits controlled by multiple genes are said to be ______