
  1. 7. Shows all possible combinations of alleles in a cross.
  2. 8. To have 2 of the same allele, commonly referred to as purebreds.
  3. 10. Used to track certain diseases or traits that are passed from generation to generation.
  4. 12. Neither allele of the pair is dominant, they blend and display a new trait, just like paint.
  5. 13. A genetically determined characteristic.
  6. 16. Different forms of a gene.
  7. 17. Expressed only if homozygous.
  8. 18. Genetic makeup in letters.
  1. 1. To have 2 different alleles, commonly referred to as hybrids.
  2. 2. Law where pairs of alleles separate during meiosis so that each egg or sperm gets only 1 of each allele.
  3. 3. Physical expression of a gene.
  4. 4. When gene for trait is on an autosome.
  5. 5. Both alleles are expressed in the heterozygote.
  6. 6. A cross where one trait is observed.
  7. 7. When the trait shows a wide range of varieties.
  8. 9. A cross where two traits are observed.
  9. 11. Expressed when in presence of recessive allele.
  10. 14. Experimented with traits in garden pea plants to determine basic patterns of inheritance.
  11. 15. The study of Heredity.