
  1. 2. gregor mendel's special ratio
  2. 4. two alleles show up as a mix
  3. 5. having two of the same alleles
  4. 6. "hidden"
  5. 8. a monk who studied pea plants and genetics
  6. 11. growing off of the parent organism
  7. 14. your genes
  8. 15. reprocucing without fertilization
  9. 16. a square to determine probability of genes
  1. 1. having two different alleles
  2. 3. two alleles show up as blend
  3. 7. 2 cells splitting in to 2 to make one more cell
  4. 9. covers over
  5. 10. what your genes represent physically
  6. 12. reproducing with fertilization
  7. 13. determined by your parents genes
  8. 14. the study of heredity