
  1. 2. Diploid cells that are reduced to haploid during meiosis
  2. 6. Form of dominance when both alleles are equally strong
  3. 11. Portions of DNA that determine characteristics
  4. 14. Form of dominance when 1 allele predominates
  5. 15. Form of dominance when both alleles create traits
  6. 16. Humans have 23 pairs of:
  7. 17. Two identical alleles
  8. 18. Different word for gametes
  9. 19. Cells that have a single pair of chromosomes
  1. 1. He developed the science of genetics
  2. 2. Gene composition of a living organism
  3. 3. Shape of a DNA molecule
  4. 4. Two different alleles
  5. 5. Study of how characteristics are inherited
  6. 7. Different forms of a gene
  7. 8. Set of all genes that specify an organism's traits
  8. 9. Cells that have a double pair of chromosomes
  9. 10. RNA stands for ___ acid
  10. 12. The expression of genes of a living being
  11. 13. Opposite of dominant
  12. 20. One allele that expresses itself and the other doesn't