
  1. 1. The characteristics or qualities that make up a living object
  2. 5. the genetic constitution of an individual organism
  3. 7. A unit of heredity
  4. 8. 1 or 2 forms of a gene that arise by mutation
  5. 9. Observable characteristics
  6. 10. Homozygous traits of R
  7. 12. The likelihood of something happening
  8. 13. Heterozygous traits of r
  1. 1. the trait that isn't dominant
  2. 2. the trait that is not dominant
  3. 3. Square, A 4x4 box with letter in it
  4. 4. Having two different alleles is
  5. 6. What makes up a living object
  6. 11. homozygous traits of r