
  1. 3. Tightly coiled up DNA Located in the nucleus
  2. 4. tend to have less of a chance having that trait
  3. 6. the process of passing traits from an organism to its offspring
  4. 8. Next generation of an organism
  5. 10. Offspring of parents that differ in genetically determined traits
  6. 12. A table in which all the possible outcomes between genetic crosses will come out
  7. 14. Disorder of structure or function in a human or animal
  1. 1. All of the Organisms DNA
  2. 2. The dominant trait and is most likely to come out instead of reccesive trait
  3. 5. Having to different alleles of a particular gene or genes
  4. 7. Having two identical alleles of a particular gene or genes
  5. 9. Characteristics of an Organism
  6. 11. Any living thing
  7. 13. Long thread like molecule made of 4 base pairs