
  1. 3. Shows the trait being expressed. (H)
  2. 5. The same alleles represented in the genotype. (hh)
  3. 7. a hybrid that is heterozygous with respect to one specified gene
  4. 9. shows the genotypes two individuals can produce when crossed
  5. 10. variation to traits represented by letters.
  6. 13. a characteristic expressed by a person. (brown hair)
  7. 14. represents a family and their traits being passed on from generation to generation.
  8. 15. Study of heredity and probability.
  9. 16. genetic make-up of an organism
  1. 1. a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.
  2. 2. Two different alleles represented in the genotype. (Hh)
  3. 4. a hybrid that is heterozygous for alleles of two different genes.
  4. 6. A person's child or children
  5. 8. Can be masked by the dominant trait. (h)
  6. 11. refers to the passing of genetic factors from parents to offspring or from one generation to the next
  7. 12. physical appearance of an organism's trait