
  1. 4. Ribonucleic acid abbreviated.
  2. 6. Shape of DNA.
  3. 7. A basic unit of heredity passed from parent to child.
  4. 8. A base found in DNA that starts C.
  5. 11. Separates the interior of the cell from the outside.
  6. 12. A base found in DNA that starts with a G.
  7. 14. A threadlike structure of nucleus acids and proteins found in the nucleus of cells.
  1. 1. Essential for the creation of DNA.
  2. 2. A base found in only RNA that starts with U.
  3. 3. The portion of DNA that provides structural support to the molecule.
  4. 5. A base found in DNA that starts with A.
  5. 8. The smallest unit that can live on its own and makes up all living organisms.
  6. 9. A base found in DNA that starts with T.
  7. 10. The molecule that carries genetic information.
  8. 13. The center of a cell that contains the chromosomes.