
  1. 2. specific characteristic of an individual
  2. 4. the change in dna sequence
  3. 7. humans have 23 pairs of
  4. 8. dna shape is a _____ helix
  5. 11. the scientific study of genes and heredity
  6. 12. passing of traits from parent to offspring
  7. 15. father of genetics
  1. 1. a table in which all of the possible outcomes
  2. 3. amino ___ make up proteins
  3. 5. organisms inherit ___ copies of each gene
  4. 6. less powerful allele
  5. 9. humans have __ pair of chromosomes
  6. 10. how many traits did Mendel study
  7. 13. more powerful allele
  8. 14. factors passed from parents to offspring