
  1. 5. WW, Ww,ww
  2. 9. Ex: Red and white flowers breed to make pink flowers
  3. 10. Ex: Hemophilia, Colorblindness
  4. 12. needs two of them to be expressed, more rare
  5. 13. A characteristic that is determined by more than one gene ex: skin color
  1. 1. A diagram that shows a family's inheritance for a disease/gene
  2. 2. the physical appearance made due to the genotype
  3. 3. XX, FF, HH, xx, ff, hh
  4. 4. the expressed gene in AA or Aa
  5. 6. Ex: red and white spotted cow
  6. 7. A square that shows the genotypes for a breeding experiment/ hypothetical
  7. 8. Ex: blood type
  8. 11. Xx, Ff, Hh