
  1. 3. the basic unit of heredity carried by chromosomes; codes for proteins which determine the traits of an organism
  2. 9. the passing of traits from parent to offspring
  3. 10. model used by biologists to determine the probability of offspring having a particular genotype
  4. 12. a molecule that contains an organisms' genetic information
  5. 14. trait that appears in offspring if contributed by both parents
  6. 15. trait that appears in offspring if it is contributed by a parent with a dominant allele
  1. 1. observable traits-physical traits
  2. 2. pair of genes that are both dominant or both recessive
  3. 4. a random change in an organism's DNA
  4. 5. Cross fertilization between two parental generation organisms that differ in a single trait
  5. 6. the range of expression of a trait within a population
  6. 7. pair of genes that are different, one is dominant and one is recessive
  7. 8. the study of genes and how they affect the traits of an organism
  8. 11. offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common ancestor
  9. 13. two alleles inherited for a particular gene