
  1. 2. sequence of nucleotides located on chromosome
  2. 4. first clinical sign seen around 1.5 to 4 years old
  3. 5. 1.5-2 years old gingivoperiodontal inflammatory process starts, when all teeth lost, gingiva appears normal again, hyperkeratosis remains for life
  4. 6. hypodontia, hypotrichosis, hypohidrosis
  5. 7. defect in processing collagen, joint issues, severe bleeding
  6. 9. osteomas cause facial asymmetry, hypercementosis causes false anodontia, malignant colorectal polyps
  7. 11. form of amelogenesis imperfecta where teeth look orange, enamel is lost quickly and cervical enamel often remains
  8. 12. coronal and radicular, total or partial lack of pulp seen radiographically
  9. 13. specific location on chromosome
  10. 14. thick keratinization always seen on buccal mucosa in affected patients
  1. 1. hypoplastic molar bones, hypoplastic mandible, open-bite, mouth appears fish-like
  2. 3. inactivated X chromosome at periphery of nucleus in women
  3. 8. pits in hands and feet, skin cancer develops in multiple locations, multiple odontogenic keratocysts present
  4. 10. defect during cell division, chromosomes do not separate, resulting in cell with extra chromosome