
  1. 1. A genotype (bb) in which both alleles are recessive.
  2. 5. The variation of a gene.
  3. 7. An organism that inherited a recessive allele.
  4. 8. The father of genetics.
  5. 12. A tool that can show inherited traits.
  6. 13. The likelihood of something.
  7. 14. A thread-like structure that, contains genetic information.
  8. 16. A genotype (BB) in which both alleles are dominant.
  9. 18. The genetic makeup of an organism.allelesygousDominant.
  10. 19. How you find the genes.
  1. 2. When gametes come together to fertilize.
  2. 3. Stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid
  3. 4. The number of chromosomes a human has.
  4. 5. When a fragment or piece of an organism develops into a fully grown copy.
  5. 6. A specific characteristics, such as seed shape.
  6. 9. An organism's physical appearance is based on genotype.
  7. 10. Where an organism comes from.
  8. 11. Chromosomes are found here.
  9. 15. A random change in an organism.
  10. 17. A section on a chromosome that contains genetic information.