
  1. 2. - Central organelle that houses the cell's genetic material and controls cellular activities.
  2. 5. - Organelles responsible for producing energy through cellular respiration.
  3. 6. - Process by which plants and some bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy.
  4. 8. - Cellular process that releases energy from organic molecules.
  5. 11. Membrane - Semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the cell, regulating the passage of substances.
  6. 14. - Protein molecules that catalyze biochemical reactions in living organisms.
  7. 15. - Simple cells lacking a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  1. 1. - Cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  2. 3. - Cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis.
  3. 4. - Organelles found in plant cells responsible for photosynthesis.
  4. 7. - The basic unit of life, containing genetic material and performing cellular functions.
  5. 9. - Adenosine triphosphate, the energy currency of the cell.
  6. 10. - Specialized structures within cells that perform specific functions.
  7. 12. - Genetic material that carries instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of organisms.
  8. 13. - Jelly-like substance within cells where organelles are suspended.