
  1. 3. all of the DNA in your body
  2. 6. long molecule of DNA. We have 23 homologous pairs of them.
  3. 8. characteristics seen as the result of the genotype
  4. 9. scientist who discovered how inheritance works
  5. 10. cell with two copies of each chromosome
  6. 12. information storage molecule
  7. 13. version of a gene
  1. 1. adjective describing pair of chromosomes that are the same size, and have the same genes.
  2. 2. the particular combination of alleles that you possess
  3. 4. allele that is overpowered by a dominant allele and must be present in two copies to be seen in the phenotype
  4. 5. section of DNA that codes for a trait. The unit of inheritance, passed from parent to offspring
  5. 7. cell with half the number of chromosomes
  6. 11. allele that overpowers a recessive allele and is always seen in the phenotype
  7. 14. Latin for 'place'. Particular location on a chromosome where a gene is found.