
  1. 1. Is found in the nucleus of cells.
  2. 4. The appearance and function of an organism.
  3. 7. An extra copy of this cell will cause Downs syndrome.
  4. 8. The brain of the cell.
  5. 9. The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism.
  6. 10. Having different alleles of a particular gene.
  7. 11. An allele that effects the organisms traits only when it has one copy.
  8. 13. The genetic make up of an organism.
  1. 2. different forms of the same gene. e.g. Tall or short when talking about hight.
  2. 3. Carry genetic information in the form of genes.
  3. 5. An allele that effects the organisms traits only when it has two copies.
  4. 6. Where the hererozygote has a phenotype halfway between that of the homozygotes.
  5. 10. Having two copies of the same allele.
  6. 12. Determines some characteristics of children.