- 4. carrier of amino acids to ribosomes for protein synthesis
- 5. 3 codons signal "stop"
- 6. Cluster of ribosome
- 7. Self-duplicating ring of accessory DNA in the cytoplasm of bacteria
- 9. major structural componento f ribosomes, along with proteins
- 10. Site of protein synthesis
- 11. Process where sequence of codon in mRNA codes for order of Amino Acid
- 14. carries DNA instructions for how to make a gene product
- 16. Reading of mRNA starting at 5'
- 17. Double ringed; Adenine and Guanine
- 1. Where the first tRNA begins
- 2. Environmental factors that cause mutation in DNA (ex. UV radiation, pesticides)
- 3. Monomer of protein
- 4. Process where mRNA is created from a segment of DNA
- 6. Organic macromolecule composed of one or more polypeptides
- 7. Single ringed; Cytosine, Thymine, and Uracil
- 8. 3 base sequence of mRNA
- 12. 3 base sequence of tRNA and pairs with complementary codon
- 13. The sugar for DNA
- 15. Chains are attained after termination