
  1. 2. the phenotype shows and, and both can be seen
  2. 4. physical characteristics passed down by generations
  3. 5. what you see of someone else
  4. 6. a section on a chromosome that has genetic information for one trait
  5. 8. two letters given to describe the phenotype
  6. 11. a blend, share, or combination of a parents phenotype
  7. 12. the study of how traits are passed from parents to offspring
  8. 13. when the genotype is the same. Ex: DD, dd
  1. 1. square a model used to predict possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring
  2. 3. a genetic factor that blocks another genetic factor
  3. 7. passing of traits to parents to offspring
  4. 9. different forms of a gene
  5. 10. when the genotype is different. Ex:Dd