
  1. 7. Substance that must be present for GFP gene to express its trait
  2. 8. Short fragments of DNA that are a result of the synthesis of the lagging strand during DNA replication
  3. 9. A DNA plasmid that contains the bla genes and the GFP genes
  4. 11. Transcription, Translation, Folding
  5. 13. The gene that grants ampicillin immunity
  6. 14. Similar structure as thymine
  1. 1. A genetic disorder that affects the lungs and the pancreas, leading to a thick mucous buildup in the lungs
  2. 2. Unwinds the DNA during DNA replication
  3. 3. The pairing of complementary strands of DNA through hydrogen bonding
  4. 4. Sequence of three bases in DNA or complementary mRNA that serves as a code for a particular amino acid
  5. 5. The complete set of chromosomes of an organism, containing all its genes and associated DNA
  6. 6. DNA
  7. 10. Small circular pieces of DNA that can exit and enter bacterial cells
  8. 12. A sequence of nucleotides in DNA that perform a specific function, such as coding, for a particular protein