
  1. 4. made up of a complex of DNA and chromatin
  2. 5. What did (answer to who isolated DNA) call DNA
  3. 7. DNA's sugar
  4. 8. non membrane bound organelles
  5. 10. type of genes that are always in need and are constantly being transcribed and translated
  6. 14. First Isolated DNA
  7. 16. Discovered DNA structure
  8. 18. type of fragments joined by the enzyme DNA ligase
  1. 1. region of DNA adjacent to the start of a gene
  2. 2. the way DNA replicates
  3. 3. a process by which an individuals DNA is scanned for genetic mutations
  4. 6. membrane bound organelles
  5. 9. the structure of DNA
  6. 11. Dna analysis that takes one day
  7. 12. the father of genetics
  8. 13. type of mutation that has no effect on the operation of the cell
  9. 15. RNA's sugar
  10. 17. DNA analyisis that requires a large sample