
  1. 5. different genes
  2. 7. genotype consisting of two identical alleles of a gene for a particular trait
  3. 8. an observable trait
  4. 9. a stronger version of an allele
  5. 10. the passing of traits from parents to their offspring
  6. 11. a diagram used to predict an offspring's traits
  7. 15. same genes
  8. 16. the study of genes, genetic variation and heredity in living organism
  9. 17. a weaker version of an allele
  1. 1. an genetic trait
  2. 2. when an allele is not dominant nor recessive
  3. 3. cross bred result of mixing
  4. 4. both alleles are expressed
  5. 6. a characteristic
  6. 12. a form of gene
  7. 13. the likelihood of an event occurring
  8. 14. basic unit of heredity