
  1. 2. Unitof inheritance
  2. 4. Small differences between individuals due to inheritance
  3. 5. Only two pair of alleels are used during hybridization
  4. 9. Having different gametes
  5. 10. MENDEL Father of Genetics
  6. 11. An allele which expresses only in homozygous condtion
  7. 12. Sudden changes in one or more genes in the progeny
  1. 1. The genetic expression of a character in terms of alleles
  2. 3. Condition in which blood does not clots
  3. 5. An allele which expresses itself externally either in homozygous or in heterozygous condition
  4. 6. Only one pair of alleles is used during hybridization
  5. 7. The physical expression of a character in terms of alleles
  6. 8. Having same gametes
  7. 13. Alternative forms of the same gene which determine contrasting characters