Genre Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Imaginative writing that accurately reflects life as it was lived in the past or could be lived today
  2. 5. Usually has animals speaking as humans
  3. 6. Enables kids to understand who they are and the challenges they will face as individuals
  4. 8. Literature that is based on imagination rather than facts
  5. 12. Literature that is based on facts rather than imagination
  6. 14. A story about someone's life that was written by the main character
  7. 15. Books featuring tales, proverbs, songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, legends, and/or myths that transmit the knowledge, etc.
  8. 16. About a larger-than-life hero with superhuman abilities
  1. 1. can be used to describe all historically accurate stories
  2. 2. Heroes and the mighty deeds before the time of recorded history
  3. 3. all tales that have begun in oral traditions
  4. 7. Type of Nonfiction that explains facts on specific topics
  5. 9. Types: Narrative or Lyric (Haiku, Sonnet, Limerick, and Cinquain)
  6. 10. A story about someone's life
  7. 11. Gods and the creation of things
  8. 13. Stories that typically have magic, enchantments, and mythical beings