
  1. 3. a television programme or film which shows real events in the form of a story
  2. 6. a film about the life of a real person
  3. 7. film in which somebody gets murdered and a clever detective tries to find out who did it
  4. 9. a film where the good guy (the detective) finds the bad guy (the criminal)
  5. 10. film about a crisis e.g. earthquake or volcanic eruption
  1. 1. a film about how people are affected by imaginary scientific developments in the future, for example about travelling in time and space
  2. 2. a film that tells a story about things that happen in an imaginary world
  3. 4. a movie with events that happen quickly and that cause feelings of danger and excitement
  4. 5. a type of film or television programme in which characters battle with their minds
  5. 8. a film which is intended to make people laugh and which involves a love story