
  1. 1. Within the same country
  2. 4. Take something from other countries.
  3. 8. Having different things from different cultural backgrounds in the same place, making that place better.
  4. 9. Process of something going from one place to another
  5. 14. Making the market more international.
  6. 15. The process of going to other countries and having your experiences and judgement be based on the landmarks and not the culture.
  7. 16. Pack or transport by container
  8. 17. Give something to other countries.
  9. 20. People buy things they don't actually need.
  1. 2. Outside of the same country
  2. 3. Able to be done again without depleting resources.
  3. 5. Process of making things more advanced and up to today's standards
  4. 6. That which has been shipped.
  5. 7. Made of land, makes continents.
  6. 10. Able to be done again without affecting the environment.
  7. 11. The congregation of all forms of currency and their value compared to each other.
  8. 12. Like... a handling fee or something
  9. 13. Something unnecessary and discarded.
  10. 18. Rules that allow you to not do certain things.
  11. 19. I give you something you give me something.