GEO: Plate Tectonics Major Project - Option #1

  1. 4. The bottom/ground of the ocean
  2. 6. What were the continents doing in the Continental Drift theory
  3. 8. A boundary between two colliding plates
  4. 10. What Ocean do most Earthquakes occur
  5. 13. The study of the structure of the Earth's surface
  6. 15. Who came up with the Continental Drift Theory
  7. 16. How many volcanoes are in the Ring of Fire
  8. 18. What was the supercontinent named
  9. 19. How many years ago did the Plate Tectonic theory get proposed
  10. 20. Ground vibrations caused by Earth's crust moving
  1. 1. A cycle of Heating, Rising, Cooling and Sinking
  2. 2. What new theory answered the question on HOW the coninents moved
  3. 3. What continent fits nearly perfectly with South America
  4. 5. The bottom of a deep ocean below the continental shelf
  5. 7. A type of tough volcanic rock
  6. 9. What's the lowest layer
  7. 11. How many plates is the earth made up of
  8. 12. What percentage of Earthquakes occur in the Ring of Fire
  9. 14. What year was the Continental Drift theory proposed
  10. 17. Where do most Volcanoes occur