GEOG 210 Syllabus

  1. 5. where writing assignments are submitted
  2. 6. the time limit on map quizzes is ___ minutes.
  3. 10. the email you use to contact the professor
  4. 12. when emails won't be answered
  5. 13. remember to sign your name and ____ name when sending emails
  6. 15. the amount of questions on exams
  1. 1. the amount of time emails will be answered in
  2. 2. office hours are Monday thru Wednesday and ____ from 10-11
  3. 3. check _____ before contacting the professor
  4. 4. grades will be received within a _____
  5. 7. you must make this if you are absent
  6. 8. chapter objective vocabulary are _____, book and notes
  7. 9. the building the class is located in
  8. 11. the amount of attempts you get on chapter quizzes
  9. 14. in geography we focus on the _____ idea