- 2. A large area of trees growing near each other.
- 6. A place where water flows over the edge of a steep, high cliff in hills or mountains, and falls into a pool below.
- 8. An area of sand or stones beside the sea.
- 10. A piece of land that is completely surrounded by water.
- 11. A low stretch of land between hills, especially one that has a river flowing through it.
- 12. A large area of fresh water, surrounded by land.
- 13. An area of land that is next to the sea.
- 14. A very high area of land with steep sides.
- 1. An area where trees grow close together.
- 3. The salty water that covers about three-quarters of the Earth's surface.
- 4. A mountain which contains hot melted rock, gas, steam, and ash.
- 5. A large area of land, usually in a hot region, where there is almost no water, rain, trees, or plants.
- 7. A large amount of fresh water flowing continuously in a long line across the land.
- 9. An area of land that is higher than the land that surrounds it.
- 13. A high area of land with a very steep side, especially one next to the sea.