
  1. 3. Science of how the Earth works
  2. 5. Geography is related to many _____
  3. 7. Relationship between humans and environment
  4. 9. Modified by human kind
  5. 10. represent human events
  6. 13. Has not been altered by humans
  7. 15. used to represent physical phenomena
  8. 17. established geo authentic and multidisciplinary
  9. 18. Science that integrates knowledge
  10. 19. who elaborated Geographia?
  11. 20. plain representations of an earth's portion
  1. 1. useful to represent infrastructure
  2. 2. temporary processes on earth
  3. 4. it can be pole axis or
  4. 6. meridian wich longitude equals 0
  5. 8. they happen on the terrestrial surface
  6. 11. science used to create maps
  7. 12. circumferences that encircle eart east-west
  8. 14. name of the imaginary line that divides earth
  9. 16. measure to know the height from the sea level