
  1. 5. (No space) A map that shows physical features, geographical features, or landforms on the surface of the Earth.
  2. 9. (No space) Materials humans take from the enviroment to use to survive.
  3. 10. Location, tells you where a place is by using latitude and longitude.
  4. 11. Vertical lines used to give an exact location.
  5. 12. An area with certain unifying characteristics.
  6. 13. (No space) A map that shows states, national boundaries, cities, capitals, roads, and other human features.
  7. 14. The study of the physical, biological, and cultural features of the Earth's surface.
  8. 15. People move in order to find these.
  1. 1. The surroundings in which we live.
  2. 2. Features on the Earth's surface such as mountains, rivers, lakes, and deserts.
  3. 3. The average weather of a place over a period of 20-30 years.
  4. 4. Horizontal lines used to give an exact location.
  5. 6. The condition of the Earth's atmosphere at a given time and place.
  6. 7. Features that are created by humans.
  7. 8. Location, tells you where a plce is in relation to another place.
  8. 13. Describes an area's physical and human features.