Geography and Animals of New Zealand

  1. 4. Large extinct flightless bird.
  2. 7. Large New Zealand insect.
  3. 8. Large New Zealand mountain range.
  4. 10. Native name for New Zealand's North Island.
  5. 12. Body of water separating New Zealand's major islands.
  6. 14. New Zealand's largest lake.
  1. 1. Natural disasters which often strike New Zealand.
  2. 2. Original home of the first people in New Zealand.
  3. 3. Flooded valleys in southern New Zealand.
  4. 5. Native/early New Zealanders.
  5. 6. Plate beneath New Zealand.
  6. 9. Marine mammals once found in large numbers around New Zealand
  7. 11. Highest point in New Zealand.
  8. 13. Native name for New Zealand's South Island.