Geography, (Population, Settlement, Plate tectonics)

  1. 2. the measure of an economy adopted by the United States in 1991; the total market values of goods and services produced by workers and capital within a nation's borders during a given period (usually 1 year).
  2. 4. In a convergent plate boundary, the oceanic plate is _______ under the continental plate.
  3. 6. Circular depression at the peak of a volcano.
  4. 11. Increasing population in towns and cities as a result of more rural to urban migration.
  5. 12. The point within the Earth where an earthquake originates.
  6. 16. When a city or part of the city falls into decrepitude and is no longer suitable for work.
  7. 17. Number of children dead before reaching 1 year of age.
  8. 19. The distance a person is willing to travel to access a service.
  9. 20. The movement from one place to another in search of work, better life, shelter.
  10. 21. Volcanoes attract many ________.
  11. 22. To predict earthquakes we can monitor ______ behavior.
  1. 1. People who cannot fend for themselves usually of ages below 15 and above 65. Relies on others.
  2. 3. In order to reduce the damages of an earthquake, we can follow. Predict, Protect, ______
  3. 5. Natural Change + Net Migration.
  4. 7. Many in number, Small population, Less services.
  5. 8. Main commercial area of a city.
  6. 9. Fissures on the crust of the Earth that expel magma.
  7. 10. Reasons attracting people to a country or place.
  8. 13. A volcano that has erupted in the last 80 years is referred to as _____.
  9. 14. China's major anti natal policy to combat their exploding growth.
  10. 15. The average number of children born per woman.
  11. 18. Number of immigrants - Number of emigrants.