Geography Review 1st Term

  1. 1. is an abstraction of reality where the earth’s surface is represented in its entirety or in parts
  2. 5. There are ______ time zones around the world, each one represents a different time
  3. 7. Is the smallest scale in size, it can be used to get to know a city, a town, a place or a landscape in great detail
  4. 9. they are the points located on the northern and southern ends of our planet
  5. 12. It tells you what information the map is showing
  6. 13. this scale is shown in a rectangle divided into three parts, which represent one or more kilometers of the surface
  7. 14. many of the events that come up on a daily basis in the world, our community and everything that surrounds us, can be explained by _____
  8. 15. This category is the geographical space we perceive, such as mountains, roads, factories, fields, there are two types, natural and human.
  9. 17. bar it is a measuring line, it helps you figure the distance on the map.
  10. 18. is the distance that exists between any point on Earth’s surface and the Equator.
  11. 20. is a continuous extension of Earth’s surface that has homogenous and unique characteristics, they can be natural, cultural and economic.
  12. 21. due to its extension, _________ meridians cross the national territory
  1. 2. is the smallest category of analysis, it refers to a specific and unique location, they can be found by coordinates
  2. 3. this scale focuses on the study of a limited space within a country’s territories and borders, allowing for the distinction of the political organization through states
  3. 4. It is a symbol that tells you where the cardinal directions
  4. 6. they are semicircles that are perpendicular to the equator; their direction is from pole to pole.
  5. 8. is the distance that exists between any point on the surface of Earth and the Greenwich meridian.
  6. 10. it explains the symbols, colors, and lines on the map. It is also called legend.
  7. 11. They are symbolized by a star. This symbol is found in the key on the map
  8. 13. this scale considers the planet as a whole, and distinguishes events and phenomena whose existence and distribution span over great continental dimensions
  9. 16. is the measurement of the distance between a point on Earth’s surface and sea level
  10. 19. they are symbolized by a solid circle. This symbol is found in the key of the map