
  1. 4. energy from the sun that can be convert to energy or electricity
  2. 5. fuel mad from animals or plants remain
  3. 8. geographic region with little rain
  4. 12. hot or cold
  5. 14. the gradual increase in the temperature of Earth surface over time
  6. 15. liquid rock that flows out of volcano
  7. 16. Large ecosystem
  8. 17. the layer of air surrounds Earth
  9. 19. to move from a region to another
  10. 20. the pattern of weather over a long period of time
  1. 1. damaged to the natural environment cause by harmful substance
  2. 2. taking too many fish from a body of water
  3. 3. all plants and trees in a area
  4. 6. to move to a country
  5. 7. living in a city
  6. 9. feeling loyalty toward one's nation
  7. 10. group of people in the same area share different culture
  8. 11. water that has been used
  9. 13. someone who seeks safety by going to another country
  10. 18. a tropical cyclone