
  1. 3. an area of land that is higher than the surrounding land
  2. 4. an area of sand or small stones near the sea
  3. 6. a weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning:
  4. 9. branches and trunks of trees
  5. 11. a large area of water surrounded by land
  6. 12. water dropping from a higher to a lower point
  7. 15. a movement of water, air, or electricity in a particular direction:
  8. 17. the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the Earth
  9. 18. a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea
  1. 1. the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day:
  2. 2. the dry solid part of the Earth's surface
  3. 4. a severe snow storm with strong winds
  4. 5. an area of water smaller than a lake, often artificially made
  5. 7. a raised part of the Earth's surface, much larger than a hill, the top of which might be covered in snow
  6. 8. an area of low land between hills or mountains
  7. 10. an area, often covered with sand or rocks
  8. 13. a large area of land covered with trees and plants
  9. 14. a very large area of sea
  10. 16. Small River
  11. 17. the small, soft, white pieces of ice that sometimes fall from the sky