GEOL 101 Chapter 10 Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Movement along a curved surface
  2. 5. Ground that is permanently frozen
  3. 6. Accumulation of loose material at the base of a slope
  4. 8. Most major landslides are due to ________ causes.
  5. 11. ____ removal by human activity increases mass movement.
  6. 13. ____ Slides occurs when rocks move downslope along planar surfaces
  7. 14. Type of mass movement that moves the fastest
  1. 1. Mass wasting that is responsible for the greatest amount of monetary damage
  2. 2. The slow downslope movement of saturated surface sediment
  3. 3. Increased ___ content decreases slope stability.
  4. 7. Slowest of all types of flow
  5. 9. ____ walls are constructed to provide support to the base of a slope
  6. 10. Reduces the overall average slope by cutting a series of benches.
  7. 12. Common in humid climates on grassy, soil covered slopes after heavy rains